

Pera Finance是一个基于Binance智能链(BSC)的创新产量农业协议,旨在通过一个创新的新产量农业协议来振兴与此问题斗争的项目的代币经济。


Pera Finance is a protocol that is designed to establish a more sustainable approach to yield farming by incentivizing traders through a decentralized trading competition.


In development since mid-2020, PERA Finance is built to incentivize all stakeholders in its ecosystem with rewards that promote adoption of the token and the protocol by third-party projects. The overarching goal of the project is to make the DeFi sector more sustainable by helping other platforms to better incentivize their users, all the while maintaining a balance between the supply and demand of the native token. 
How do you prefer to earn a yield on your cryptocurrencies?

The PERA token is the entry point to the Pera Finance ecosystem. It’s used to access the yields generated directly by the PERA network, as well as those generated by partner projects using its solution, thereby netting PERA holders multi-token yields. The token is set to launch on July 8, 2021, as a BEP-20 asset on Binance Smart Chain. 

PERA由Eren Yecan和Utku̇eli̇kok共同创建。叶坎曾担任大学讲师和企业家,热衷于分散技术,而切利·科克则是一名工程师和密码空间领域的老手,对神经科学和计算机建模有着浓厚的兴趣。 

The two co-founders are supported by a team that is largely composed of technical staff and blockchain enthusiasts. 
How Does Pera Finance Work?
Pera Finance seeks to reward the three key stakeholders in the PERA ecosystem through a variety of yields, including a share of the total value transacted on the network and a cut of the PERA token emission. Overall, rewards are distributed to network participants as follows:
  • PERA流动性提供者:每笔交易的0.75%份额和50400 PERA/天
  • 前10名PERA交易员:每笔交易的0.5%份额和19600 PERA/天
  • PERA持有人:每笔交易0.75%的股份。 


Rewards are distributed to recipients without gas fees through the use of a specialized smart contract. The system is designed to provide a sufficient APY to all stakeholders, without catalyzing excess supply-side liquidity — a challenge faced by most (if not all) yield farms today. 

PERA代币是第一个从该解决方案中受益的代币,但PERA Finance面向交易商的产量耕作协议可以轻松与其他项目集成。PERA希望这将通过提供一个可持续的解决方案来促进需求侧流动性,从而有助于引入DeFi 2.0。该平台目前处于早期开发阶段。它的令牌生成事件定于2021年7月,该解决方案预计将与Que3 2021的各种DEFI平台集成。

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